Author Guidelines

IJMMST considers unpublished manuscripts within the aim & scope of journal. Potential authors are instructed to follow journal submission guidelines:

A. Preparing Manuscripts 

In IJMMST following two types of article submission is allowed:

Article: All manuscript having simulation, experimental, validation work having substantial amount of new information will be consider as article for publication in IJMMST. 

Review: Literature study having precise on the latest progress made in a specific area of research will be consider as review work for publication in IJMMST. 

B. Structure of Manuscript

IJMMST encourage authors to prepare their manuscript with full detailing having following details:

Main Text should have following headings:

Conflict of Interest : Authors should declare whether or not the submitted manuscript was carried out with a conflict of interest. If yes, please state any personal, professional or financial relationships that could potentially be construed as a conflict of interest.  If no, please add "The authors declare no conflict of interest". (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify)

Author Contributions: Each author's contribution in the manuscript should be highlighted  in this section. (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify)

Acknowledgements : Acknowledge the funding agency. (Times New Roman-10 point-Justify).

References :  All references must be in APA style and they should be cited at appropriate places within the manuscript.

C. Copyright

After acceptance of manuscript a  copyright form will be signed by all authors or corresponding author. 

Note: All submitted articles in IJMMST are refereed for peer review, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse/ make suggestions and/or modifications before final publication. 

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